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RMS Teutonic! Minecraft Tutorial #2

RMS Teutonic! Minecraft Tutorial #2

Part 2 of our video tutorial on how to build the White Star Ocean Liner, RMS Teutonic

Part 2 sees the construction of the ships superstructure,

Part 3 will focus on the ships funnels, masts, Lifeboats and all finishing details.

RMS Teutonic! Minecraft Tutorial #1

RMS Teutonic! Minecraft Tutorial #1

Part 1 of our video tutorial on how to build the White Star Ocean Liner, RMS Teutonic

Part 1 sees the construction of the ships Hull, Main deck and Forecastle,

Part 2 will focus on the ships superstructure,

The RMS Teutonic was an ocean liner built for the White Star Line in Belfast and was the first armed merchant cruiser.
During the first 18 years of service, both Teutonic and Majestic, along with their older cousins Britannic and Germanic sailed on the route from their home port of Liverpool to New York City. Each ship made on average one sailing per month, and averaged 11–14 sailings each season. The White Star Line had it planned so as they could operate a weekly service across the North Atlantic. Each week a ship sailed from Liverpool on a specific day, commonly Wednesday or Thursday. From there, they would stop at the port of Queenstown (now Cobh), Ireland, to pick up more passengers. Records have shown that Teutonic and her partner ships picked up as many as 800 Irish immigrants in a single stop, as the White Star Line was very popular in Ireland because most of their ships, including Teutonic, were Irish built.[citation needed]

After Queenstown, the ships would then continue on the long voyage to New York, almost 2,500 miles of open sea. Once passengers were disbursed at either the White Star Line pier in New York or the immigration centre at Castle Garden, and later on Ellis Island, the ship would be prepared for her return voyage.

Transatlantic races between the Teutonic and liner City of New York were common in the 19th-century. They usually began in either Queenstown Harbour or New York Harbor. On August 14, 1890, the Teutonic beat the City of New York by over three hours, and broke the ocean record by coming from Queenstown in 5 days, 19 hours, and 5 minutes, and breaking the record by 13 minutes.

In 1897 Teutonic reassumed her military role for a review commemorating Victoria’s 60th anniversary. In 1898, she had a minor collision in New York Harbor with the United States Lines’ Berlin, but neither ship suffered major damage.

During the Boer War in 1900, she served as a troop transport. In 1901, Teutonic encountered a tsunami, which washed two lookouts out of the crows nest who survived. The tsunami hit at night, so there were no passengers up on deck.

In 1907 Teutonic, along with Majestic, Oceanic and the new Adriatic was transferred to White Star’s new ‘Express Service’ between Southampton and New York via Cherbourg and Queenstown. In 1911, the ship was replaced in the White Star lineup by the new Olympic and transferred to sister company Dominion Line for Canadian service. At the end of her career on White Star’s UK-US services, she had carried a total of 209,466 passengers westbound[4] and another 125,720 eastbound. By 1913 Teutonic’s age meant that she no longer attracted the top class passengers, and so was refitted to carry only second and third class passengers. In October 1913 the ship narrowly avoided the same fate as Titanic when, at 172 miles east of Belle Isle off the Newfoundland coast, she ran so close to an iceberg that she avoided collision only by reversing her engines and putting the helm hard aport. According to the 29 October 1913 issue of the Chicago Tribune, “the liner passed within twenty feet of the iceberg. The fog was so thick that even at that small distance the berg could scarcely be distinguished. It was so close that there was danger that the propeller of the ship would strike it as the vessel went around. The passengers were not aware of their peril until it had been averted. They signed a testimonial to the captain and his officers expressing their gratitude and admiration for the care and skill displayed by them.”

In 1914, with the start of World War I, Teutonic became a merchant cruiser once again, being commissioned into the 10th Cruiser Squadron. In 1916, she was refitted with 6″ guns, and served as a convoy escort ship as well as being used for troop transport.

In 1921, Teutonic was scrapped at Emden.

Remember if you wish to build this ship as part of a downloadable project, a Youtube video or a conversion to other games, Then please give credit for the design, I spend many hundreds of hours building these ship and do’t get much for it, so a little more support is appreciated, Thank you

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RMS Laconia! Minecraft Tutorial #4

RMS Laconia! Minecraft Tutorial #4

Part 4 and the final part of our video tutorial on how to build the Cunard Ocean Liner, RMS Laconia

Part 4 sees the construction of the ships lifeboats, forecastle details, and all other smaller details.

Remember if you wish to build this ship as part of a downloadable project, a YouTube video or a conversion to other games, Then please give credit for the design, I spend many hundreds of hours building these ship and don’t get much for it, so a little more support is appreciated, Thank you

Thanks for Watching


RMS Laconia! Minecraft Tutorial #3

RMS Laconia! Minecraft Tutorial #3

Part 3 of our video tutorial on how to build the Cunard Ocean Liner, RMS Laconia

Part 3 sees the construction of the ships tops deck details, deck houses, skylights and funnels

Part 4 will focus on the lifeboats, forecastle details, and all other smaller details.

RMS Laconia! Minecraft Tutorial #2

RMS Laconia! Minecraft Tutorial #2

Part 2 of our video tutorial on how to build the Cunard Ocean Liner, RMS Laconia

Part 2 sees the construction of the ships main Hull, (Black section) Main decks and first sections of the ships superstructure

Part 3 will focus on the ships tops deck details, deck houses, skylights and funnels

RMS Laconia! Minecraft Tutorial #1

RMS Laconia! Minecraft Tutorial #1

Part 1 of our video tutorial on how to build the Cunard Ocean Liner, RMS Laconia

Part 1 sees the construction of the ships Draft. (Red Section) and Propellers

Part 2 will focus on the ships main Hull, (Black section) Main decks and first sections of the ships superstructure

RMS Laconia was a Cunard ocean liner built by Swan Hunter & Wigham Richardson, launched on 27 July 1911, with the wife of the U.S. Ambassador Mrs. Whitelaw Reid christening the vessel. Laconia was delivered to the Cunard Line on 12 December 1911, and began service on 20 January 1912. She was the first Cunard ship of that name. She was torpedoed and sunk on 25 February 1917 during World War 1, 12 passengers were killed.

Laconia was intended for the Liverpool-Boston service with cruising from New York to the Mediterranean off season. The ship was the first British ship and first North Atlantic liner to be equipped with anti-roll tanks.

Remember if you wish to build this ship as part of a downloadable project, a YouTube video or a conversion to other games, Then please give credit for the design, I spend many hundreds of hours building these ship and don’t get much for it, so a little more support is appreciated, Thank you

RMS Lusitania, Minecraft Tutorial part 8

RMS Lusitania, Minecraft Tutorial part 8

Part 8 and the final final part of my video tutorial on how to build the RMS Lusitania in Minecraft

Part 8 sees the construction of the ships other color schemes, Peace time and war time.

RMS Lusitania, Minecraft Tutorial part 7

RMS Lusitania, Minecraft Tutorial part 7

Part 7 and the final part of my video tutorial on how to build the RMS Lusitania in Minecraft

Part 7 sees the construction of the ships Stern deck house and any remaining details,

Part 8 will focus on the ships other color schemes, Peace time and war time.

RMS Lusitania, Minecraft Tutorial part 6

RMS Lusitania, Minecraft Tutorial part 6

Part 6 of my video tutorial on how to build the RMS Lusitania in Minecraft

Part 6 sees the construction of the ships funnels, Lifeboats and other details.

Part 7 will focus on the ships Stern deck house and any remaining details,

RMS Lusitania, Minecraft Tutorial part 5

RMS Lusitania, Minecraft Tutorial part 5

Part 5 of my video tutorial on how to build the RMS Lusitania in Minecraft

Part 5 sees the construction of the ships forecastle details. masts and other smaller details.

Part 6 will focus on the ships funnels, and other details.